A Chat With Amy Greenstein, Realtor

A Chat With Amy Greenstein, Realtor

Where Are You Working Today / Where Are Your Appointments?

I am doing work at home today, I have to write up a listing contract, do last-minute items for 2 of my closings next week, and then I have an appointment to show houses in Chestnut Hill.

What Is Your Favorite On-The-Go Lunch Choice?

Most days, if I’m really busy, I’m sorry to say it’s a granola bar and maybe a yogurt. I try and eat healthy, but sometimes when you’re busy, it’s hard. Sometimes I skip lunch altogether!

Do You Have a Favorite New Local Restaurant or Business That You Are Excited About?

Depends on where I am. In Chestnut Hill it’s Green Soul, they have the best salmon salad! In Ambler, it’s El Limon, it’s the closest I’ve found to actual food from Mexico, amazing burritos! In Mount Airy it’s Trolley Car Diner for the best burgers, and in the Elkins Park/Jenkintown/Glenside area it’s the original Union Jacks, best wings I have ever tasted, although Gracie’s, the new place that just opened on Limekiln Pike is extremely good and kid-friendly too!!

What Do You Like to Do in Your Free Time – Besides Sell Real Estate?

Free Time, What’s that? lol. I like to run/work out, go help out at my daughter’s Kindergarten class, or bake, I love to bake.

What Does Your Perfect Weekend Look Like?

I’d like to hang out with the coolest person I know, my 5-year-old daughter Sydney. My husband and I like to take her to playsmuseumsor the movies, her excitement about everything is contagious and puts us both in a great mood! If it’s summer though, we like to go swimming or hiking/camping.

iPhone or Android?

iPhone, please!

Where Is Your Favorite Place to Vacation?

We like to go to my husband’s Father’s house in Baja, Mexico. It’s on the beach and so wonderfully idyllic, we come home completely refreshed!

What Is Your Favorite Dessert?

Hmm, that’s a big question, I am a huge dessert person and I love to bake. I would say carrot cake. I think I could eat an entire pan of it myself!

How Do You Organize Your Day?

I start the day with marketing, I make sure I spend at least an hour either blogging or updating my website and SOI, then onto my callbacks for the day, making appointments and then I’m off to the races either showing or going to listing appointments.

Tea or Coffee?

Tea. I am allergic to coffee!

What Is Your Favorite Style of House?

I love old, historic houses. My favorite style is Old Victorian. I am a sucker for the round turrets and the different-level roofs. If it has gingerbread on it, I’m a goner!!

Vacation Type: Adventurous or Relaxing?

I would like to say relaxing, but I have a hard time doing that. I’m an on-the-go person, so being adventurous is more my style. I love to try new things, places, new foods, and anything else that sounds fun!

What Is Your Favorite Season of the Year?

I am a Spring and Summer person. I love the warm weather! Puts me in a great mood and gets me up and running. I hate the cold, although I like season changes, so I’m ok with Fall, but once the holidays are over I am done with the cold and I count the days until Spring.

Why Did You Decide to Become a Realtor?

I have always loved houses. A lot of my family is in different aspects of the business so I was exposed to it at an early age. I was a touring musician for 20 years and when it came time to settle down in one place it was a no-brainer for me to just transition to Real Estate. I also have to say it was a no-brainer to come to Elfant Wissahickon as well. They treat us like family and I would never work anywhere else!

What Is Your Favorite Part of Being a Realtor?

I love the puzzles this job puts in front of you. In selling, the puzzle of finding the best way to market a property so that it goes quickly at the best price or initially figuring out what a client wants out of their Realtor, whether it be a friend/hand holder or a business-minded shark. In buying, I love the people-puzzle. Figuring out what exactly they want in their perfect home and then finding it for them is so much fun for me. I hate sending people a bunch of properties that they have to wade through to get to the right one, so really figuring out what they think is best for them so I can get through them first is always the most fun to puzzle out.
To contact Amy, call (267) 226-3926 or email [email protected].
Visit Amy’s Homepage here! Check out Amy’s Facebook account!

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