A modern dining room with a black table and chairs. A vase with plants sits in the center of the table.

A Chat With Tamika Nealy-Farmbry, Realtor

Where Are You Working Today / Where Are Your Appointments?

I am presently burning the midnight oil in the Chestnut Hill office. My appointments were in East Mount Airy today.

What Is Your Favorite On-The-Go Lunch Choice?

Salad is always my choice of lunch even when I am on the go.

Do You Have a Favorite New Local Restaurant or Business That You Are Excited About?

Green Soul is my favorite, I am like a celebrity when I walk in there.

What Does Your Perfect Weekend Look Like?

Spending time with my husband watching food & travel networks.

iPhone or Android?


Where Is Your Favorite Place to Vacation?

New Orleans (best food)

What Is Your Favorite Dessert?

Oatmeal Raisin cookies

How Do You Organize Your Day?

I start my day by writing down my thoughts as soon as I get up. I like to organize what I have to do for the day and things I need to do for the day.

Tea or Coffee?


What Is Your Favorite Style of House?


Vacation Type: Adventurous or Relaxing?


What Is Your Favorite Season of the Year?

Spring because it is not too hot and I can still wear sandals.

Why Did You Decide to Become a Realtor?

I decided to become a realtor to help my cousin build her business (only part-time), I decided to stay after 17 years and become a nurse.
What Is Your Favorite Part of Being a Realtor?
I love helping people!
To contact Tamika, call (215) 715-3806 or
email [email protected]

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