EWR’s Agent Awards Week : 2nd Quarter 2021 : Top Producers
🌟 Today is the final day of EWR’s Agent Awards Week: 2nd Quarter 2021 🏆 Today we recognize our top producers in volume & transactions
🌟 Today is the final day of EWR’s Agent Awards Week: 2nd Quarter 2021 🏆 Today we recognize our top producers in volume & transactions
🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 Today we congratulate our 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 million dollar producers for the second quarter of 2021! First Row Above: Benjamin Camp,
Today we congratulate our three million dollar producers for the second quarter of 2021! First Row Above: Christopher Plant, Kate Kyle, Allison Fegel, Vickie Davis
Today we congratulate our two million dollar producers for the second quarter of 2021! First Row Above: Charlie & Lisette Tarragano, Paul Walsh, Jr., James
Today we congratulate our million dollar producers for the second quarter of 2021! First Row Above: Rae-Lynne Tuzzo, Brian Fritz, Kate Shlomo, Mary Louise Butler