
Putting your house on caravan??

At Elfant Wissahickon Realtors, we spend every Wednesday morning out on caravan, visiting new listings or prospective new listings.  The owners of the company make a point to attend all caravans.  We do this for several reasons.  First, it gives us an opportunity to meet many of our prospective and existing seller clients.  I think they enjoy and appreciate the opportunity as well.  Second, it gives us the advantage of a continued and updated view of our listing inventory.  Third, we get to spend a little time with our sales force in a more casual and face to face manner.  We have some fun – and who can’t enjoy that in our non-stop daily business day.  Finally, we catch up with each other.  We may need a quick opinion or another perspective.  On top of everything else, we get a little exercise.  I probably sit behind a desk a bit more than my other partners, so getting out, up and down the steps, is an additional bonus for me.  Hey, this is my first blog ever.  What do you think?


Posted by Bob Elfant

Bob Elfant

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