Taken from Uwishunu.com
Philadelphia’s ever-expanding food truck scene is having a moment. Not only are more awesome trucks rolling in every week, but new food truck gathering spots seem to be popping up just as quickly!
So, just as we wanted to help you stay current on some of the best food trucks in Philadelphia, now we want to help you know when and where to find food trucks across the city.
To that end, we’ve compiled the major recurring food truck gathering spots and organized them by day of the week.
We’ve included spots at which food trucks gather at various times of the day — during lunch breaks, snack breaks, dinnertime, and even late at night — and specify that time-of-day info in each listing.
But since food trucks are mobile by nature, always be sure to check your favorite food truck’s Twitter and Facebook pages before visiting in the case of cancellations (i.e. holidays or rain).
Read on for our full day-by-day FOOD TRUCK FINDER.