With heat waves and beach trips still to come, it’s hard to believe colder months are right around the corner. Before you know it flip flops and sand shovels will be replaced with scarves and snow blowers. While vacation mode is in full swing, taking the time to prepare for winter could save your family and home from winter woes. Here’s how to get started.
1. Snow Plow Service Lists
Make sure to get your name on the snow-plow contractors list. Reach out to your neighbors to pitch in on a private company. By prepping now, you’ll have more options to choose from as schedules start to fill up fast come fall.
2. Schedule Your Furnace Service
With temperatures in the 90s, the last thing on anyone’s mind is heating the home. However, this is the perfect time to schedule service on your home furnace. Ask your HVAC company for a twice-a-year maintenance plan. If something does need to be repaired, you’ll have plenty of time to get the work completed before you need it. Giving you the opportunity to save money for the repair or find the best deal. HVAC companies often give discounted rates for larger repairs!
3. Schedule a Professional Energy Audit
Schedule a professional energy audit now. A professional audit will save you money and you will learn where your home is prone to energy loss. Check out energy.gov for info on how both professional and DIY energy audits work. You can also find energy auditors through the Residential Energy Services Network at resnet.us.
4. Plant a Tree!
Enjoy working in the garden but worried about the impending frost? Late summer, early fall is surprisingly the best time of year to plant trees. Planting them now provides adequate time for trees to establish roots before summer next year. Not only are trees beneficial to the environment, they increase the value of your home! Live in a Philly zip code? You can get one for free. Take a look at treephilly.org for more info.
Source: Kelley Walters/Houselogic.com